Thursday, November 17, 2011

Running- a great exercise

There is a lot of hype about Running lately and for good reason- it is a great exercise to keep fit, to stay mentally alert and to have fun.  We get to see running events almost scheduled monthly coupled with the support from shoe manufacturing companies, consumer and pharmaceutical companies as well.

Everyone can run but people who are considering to take on running as an exercise must remember a few things:

1. Pace yourself- think big but start small, do not try to sprint your way into a 10km run without "building your wind"

2.  Stretching- a very important tool to help the muscles be prepared for action.  Helping blood flow within the joints and muscles can really ease lactic acid build up which helps keep soreness at bay.

3. Breathing-  it takes a fair amount of practice to be able to coordinate the perfect breathing which would cope with the level of demand on the body during running. 

4. Hydration- this cannot be overemphasized.  With the humidity in our country, it is wise to keep your body cool with water or hydrating drinks.   Ionic drinks are recommended to replenish lost minerals.

5. Learning Proper Body Mechanics- just because you have feet does not mean you know how to run properly.  Learn from coaches on the proper body mechanics of running and practice them.

6. Vitamin/Mineral Support- in running or in any other sport for that matter, much is demanded from the body especially on nerves, arteries and veins to help circulate blood.  These bodily components NEED minerals to be effectively flexible in handling the load.  For instance, Magnesium helps the arteries and veins retain their maleability and without such, one would either have clog ups which leads to strokes and other nasty things.

Do consult your doctor before embracing any new sport program!

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