Thursday, January 12, 2012

You gotta love that Coconut

You gotta love that Coconut oil from the Coconut fruit. Before delving into this topic, much controversy has been had regarding the true value of this oil, to read further explanation about fats and oils, click HERE. Coconut oil despite it's bad reputation in western nations is beginning to rise out of the ashes. For a full explanation about Coconut oil, you can click this.

It would be interesting to make a survey among our Bicolano brothers who are very astute in consuming coconut oil in their food. There might be a correlation between having healthy hearts and consuming coconut oil.

With my limited knowledge about Coconut oil, I remember that these oils contain MCTs or Medium Chain Triglycerides. MCTs are very unique to the coconut oil, this is very significant since these kind of Triglycerides are processed uniquely by the body and are converted directly to ENERGY. Thus, Coconut oil can be a perfect parnter in those individuals who are seeking to tone down and lose weight.

My practical knowledge with these oils is that for the past 5 years or so I have been regularly taking 1-2 tablespoons at breakfast, I have observed that I have more energy during the day, fell full in the gut for a longer time (I don't get hungry easily) and have an over-all feeling of wellness. At night, when it is too late for me to eat a heavy meal, I just make it a point to gulp a teaspoon of VCO then I feel full and am ready to sleep.

Not all VCOs are created equal. Here are a few tips that you can use to get the best out of your money:

1. Make sure the product is cold pressed.
2. Make sure it comes from a reputable company. (Sanitation reasons)
3. Make sure the product is VIRGIN.
4. Observe the product if ants swarm towards the oil and are killed by exposure to it.

Let me explain the last one for you. Virgin Coconut Oil contains ACIDS (Linoleic Acid, Lauric acid). Successful cold pressed oils will kill organisms like small ants, which in turn will help you visibly know if the VCO you just purchased is authentic and has been successfully cold-pressed. This secret alone will help you save money and not be fooled by advertising.

Here is an interesting site that can help you understand the basic and practical uses of the Oil. Click THIS Article now.

More research is coming soon and the more reasons to love that coconut oil!

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